You are invited to join us each week before worship for one of our Sunday Small Groups. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about faith and life as a follower of Jesus. If you have a question about which class might be right for you, please give the church office a call (828-253-0765) and we will be happy to get you connected to the best class for you. Check out our current groups below!
Clarence Gilbert Class
9:45 Clarence Gilbert room
This class is currently a combination of our youngest and oldest adults. Right now we are reading and reflecting on the weeks lectionary readings. Everyone is welcome in this class which meets downstairs in Educational Building…and most importantly–good coffee is always available!
Faith Meets Life Class
10:00 Hugh Brown Chapel
The Faith Meets Life class brings together adults interested in the connections between Christian faith and important issues of daily life. It is collaborative and interactive; we use video and printed materials as texts, and topics over the years have included Forgiveness; the rise of Protestant Fundamentalism; the proliferation of early Christian texts and the development of the Biblical canon; and end of life issues. This class is mission-minded and reaches out to help others in the community. It also has a social side, with a semi-monthly dinner club at members’ homes in rotation. We welcome new members. The class meets in Brown Chapel on the second level of the Educational Building.
The Wired Word Class
10:00 Upstairs Classroom
The Wired Word Class reflects on the Wired Word publication which is sent out each week to those attending. This publication includes interesting stories, thought provoking questions, and plenty to chew on before the group meets.